Tracking Aguiar

Aguiar Cargas
IATA Mercante WWPC Porto de Santos


Click here to send us complete information about your business

Type of Shipment:*

Company Information

Company Name:

Contact Name:*

Phone Number:*

FAX Number:

Email Address: *

Origin of Cargo

Company Name:

Complete Address Information:*

Quote for Insurance:

Value of Cargo in US$:

Destination of Cargo

Company Name:

Complete Address Information:*

Is the cargo hazardous?*

If you answered YES Cargo is hazardous. Then Complete the following:

UN # Proper Name:

Hazardous Class:


Movement Type:*

Required/Preferred Airport/Port of Lading:*

Required/Preferred Airport/Port of Unlading: *

Description of Cargo

Please enter description of goods being shipped:*

Dimensions: each (in meters)
QtyLengthWidthHeightGross Weight
each (kgs)
Total Weight

For Ocean Freight Select Container type and Qtdy or mention LCL :

Other Special Considerations or Comments:

Av. Conselheiro Nébias, 754 | cj 2621 . Ed. Helbor Offices Villa Rica . Santos, SP / BR CEP 11045-002
Fone/Fax: +55 13 3219-4500 |